Tag Archives: Christian Music

Is Christian Music Dying?

Collide Magazine posted an article months ago on their site about the topic of, “Is Christian Music Dying?”

Since we have been talking about the Christian Music Industry over the last few days, I thought this article would interest many of you. 

You can view the article here.

Feel free to post some insight and thoughts.

Team IML

What is the best way to implement Secular Music in the Church?

Yesterday we got a great amount of feedback on thoughts of Secular Music, and using it as a tool in the Church.

We would love to hear your thoughts and insight on some ways you might use Secular Music in your ministry or church. 

Jason from Transparent Christian Magazine, a great online resource, sent us a link(below) on a story we were relating to the other day. Be sure to check out the interview with Todd Abernathy, who came to church, from simply hearing a secular song being blasted from an outside loudspeaker.


Team IML

Ministry Focus of the Christian Music Industry

We had an overwhelming response to the question of, “What are your thoughts on the Christian Music Industry?” Many of you responded feeling that there is a lot of good and bad in the industry. 

We wanted to take this questions back to the original roots of the question, and focus on what in the Christian Music Industry, (that is supposed to be centered around Christ) doing for the will of God?

Where is actual ministry taking place? (Sorry but selling cd’s, t-shrits, and concert tickets to a circle of believers does not classify as ministry, more like entertainment) 

What are some of the vision and mission statements that Christian Industry Organization have to reach people that don’t know Christ?

Team IML 

What do you think of the Christian Music Industry??

We would like to have an open post about what many of you think of the Christian Music Industry.

Do you feel that it is different than other secular organizations?

What impact does it have for the kingdom?

Does it really make an impact to missions around the world with the millions that it makes each year? 

Just a questions to see what everyone thinks.

Team IML