Tag Archives: worship teams

David Crowder Band Remedy Club Tour Edition (CD/DVD)



Remedy Club Tour Edition Live CD and DVD from the David Crowder Band.

If you have not yet picked up a copy of this album, you need to get it immediately. This is one of the best live CD/DVD’s we have heard in a while. What we love about David Crowder is the creativity that he brings each time he does a live show. You will find Video Game instruments, megaphones and many other innovative features on this album. 

Most of the songs on this album are from his last album “Remedy.” It opens up with a great song called “I’m trying to make you sing.” Then instead of going for a super powerful opening they got straight to “The Glory of it All.” From there it is non stop, 16 songs of great powerful worship.

One of the coolest features of this DVD project, is that David Crowder and his band take you through and show you how to play the music on the album from almost all of the instruments. There is so much value from this one album that you will be able to take back to your Worship Teams.

You can order online at Amazon.com (click here for link) for $14.99. 

Team IML