View Complete IML Lineup, so far….

We are excited to let you all know some of the featured speakers for Innovative Ministry Leader this year. This is just the beginning, where each week we will be adding more and more speakers for the upcoming months.

Here is the current lineup for the first few months. We are still scheduling exact dates for some speakers, but all of these listed will broadcast before the end of the year.


Mark Batterson,  Jud Wilhite, Dino Rizzo, Troy Gramling, Anne Jackson, Glenn Packiam, Skye Jethani, Dave Ferguson, Kevin Harney, Matt Chandler, Steven Furtick, Ron Edmondson, Matt Keller, Tony Morgan, and Geoff Surratt


Jeff Deyo, Jonathan Lee, Carl Cartee, Ross Parsley, and many more on the near horizon. We will also have Sheri Gould, providing professional vocal training each month.


Tommy Kyllonen aka Urban D, Efrem Smith, JR Mahon, John Acuff, Matthew Paul Turner and Carlos Whittaker


Various Teachers from Yamaha, Shure, Martin Lighting, Media Shout and other cutting edge technology leaders. We will also have some great leaders from churches and ministries share insight on technology and how it relates to your ministry.


Greg Stielstra will starting off on a series of Marketing Messages for the church based upon his book Pyromarketing. We will also have some other guest speakers this year that will share insight of how to effectively marketing and reach new people for Christ.

When you register you will have access to all of these videos each month. There is no licensing, so your entire church can view and access. Memberships start at $34.99 a month.

Also if you are one of the first 150 to sign up, for either a six month or 12 month commitment, you will receive all 8 of the Leadership Network Innovation Series books from Zondervan. That includes titles form Mark Driscoll, Geoff Surratt, Dave Gibbons, Dino Rizzo, and others.


Be sure to check it out, and share the word. The book deal is going fast so be sure to sign up today!

Team IML

Innovative Ministry Leader Special Incentive


The first 150 Registered users at Innovative Ministry Leader, will RECEIVE ALL 8 of the Leadership Network Innovation Series Books from Zondervan.

Hear from speakers such as Anne Jackson, Dino Rizzo, Mark Batterson, Skye Jethani, Ross Parsley, Jeff Deyo, Troy Gramling, Dave Ferguson, Kevin Harney, Glenn Packiam, Urban D, AND many many more.

We will be updating lineup each week for the rest of the year.


Check out Anne Jackson’s Post Special Announcement

Anne Jackson has a special announcement about Innovative Ministry Leader. Be sure to check it out at

Team IML

Blog Tour: Servolution by Dino Rizzo


Servolution is a great book that we encourage all of our readers to pick up. Dino Rizzo is the pastor of an amazing church called Healing Place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dino will also be sharing about Servolution in the month of June on

We had the opportunity to ask Dino Rizzo a question relating to his new book.

In ministry we have all experienced different seasons in our lives. When times get tough for you personally, what is the best insight for keeping the spirit of Servolution alive?

Sean, thanks for being a part of the Servolution Blog Tour – and for the great question.  You’re so right – life is made up of ever-changing seasons.  One of the coolest things about serving others is the strength it gives the one who serves.  Jesus taught it himself, “It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.”  We have found that when you serve others – when you get your eyes off of your own needs for a while and help someone else in need, your own needs tend to look different afterward.  After you’ve spent a week serving AIDS orphans in Africa, I don’t feel so bothered by my own challenges.  Plus, when you serve together, you find strength in the others you’re serving with.  Many times, the very thing I’ve needed help with I have found the answer to in others I’ve been serving alongside.  Put those thoughts together with the truth that Jesus didn’t quit when the job got tough – he went all the way to the cross for me – how can I not go all the way and do whatever it takes to serve others?

New Release from Jonathan Lee


With his latest release from 1CNrecords, Let Them Hear, Jonathan Lee offers up a worship album that is refreshing and honest. No stranger to the worship scene, Jonathan has been leading worship for over ten years, and has honed his craft as a songwriter, collaborating with various artists including Jeff Deyo, with whom he has co-written many songs, including “Jesus I Surrender” and “Unveil”.

While at times reminiscent of such artists as Hillsong United, Fee and Leeland, Jonathan succeeds in crafting a sound that is truly his own. With a unique and clever blend of guitars and keys, Jonathan brings a mature and inventive sound to each track on this album. Lyrically this album shines, with expressions of worship that range from corporate declarations of praise to raw and very personal confessions of a need for communion with the Almighty.

One track from the album, “Beautiful King” has been featured in the May issue of Worship Leader Magazine’s Song DISCovery. This upbeat song of praise is already being used in churches across the nation and around the world to engage congregations in worship.

Other highlights of the album include the soaring anthem “Redeemed”, the intimate and passionate plea of “Oh My Soul” to which Sparrow Recording Artist Sarah Reeves lends her graceful vocals, and the hauntingly beautiful “Release”, with its simple message of the mercy and grace that we find at the cross of Christ.

Bottom line: don’t miss out on this must-have album from Jonathan Lee! Pick up a copy today on iTunes or at

Team IML

IML Interview with Kristian Stanfill

Innovative Ministry Leader is excited to share an exciting interview with Kristian Stanfill. Kristian has just released a new album called “Attention” on Six Step Records. Be sure to pick a copy up where ever records are sold.



Innovative Ministry Leader (IML): What Inspired you to write your new album “Attention?” Does it currently reflect where you are with you relationship with  Jesus?

Kristian Stanfill: My band and I have been traveling the country and the world for the past
three years, and we’ve seen a massive amount of apathy and complacency
happening in the Christian life both from stage and in the mirror.  We
wanted this record to encourage people, including ourselves, to live a life
filled with big faith and forward movement toward God’s will and glory.  We
are praying as a band and as a community of believers that we will live
these songs out first so that we can carry them honestly and truthfully to
God’s people all across the world.

IML: If there is one song on this album that you could share with the
entire world at once, which one would it be and why?

Kristian: “Wake Up.”  I think this song is the crux of the whole record. It’s about
jumping out of our culture’s stream of self-preservation and
self-centeredness and giving our life away to the purposes and will of God.
If I had five minutes to say one thing to whole world it
would be that living for Jesus brings more satisfaction than the
fading glory of this world ever could.  Great question!

IML: What makes “Attention” unlike any other Worship album out

Kristian: Before we started recording this record, we met together as a band to
rehearse and write together.  At our first meeting I laid out a
challenge from Isaiah 43.  Verse 18 and 19 say, “Forget the former
things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it
springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.”  We agreed immediately that we had
nothing original in us to offer, but believed that God, being
infinitely creative, could do something new with these songs and our
gifts.  We prayed that he would help our minds to “perceive it”.  This
is as true and honest an offering as we can offer.  We are praying it
leads people to connect with god in fresh ways.

IML: We noticed you are doing some touring with Student Life.
What made Student Life a good fit for you?

Kristian: We have been partnering with Student Life for a few years now and they
have been so good to us.  What we love so much about the Student Life
team is the way they empower us to be ourselves and do what God has
called us to do.  Mainly though, we share a passion for seeing
students live lives that glorify God and reflect Him to the world.
It’s a great ministry to be involved with.

IML: In this day and age, where do you see Worship moving to
among our current culture and the way we connect with God?

Stylistically it seems that everywhere we go people are craving raw,
honest, real life confessions.  There’s a lot of hurt and confusion in
the world and people experiencing this hurt need pointed confessions
that help put words around their situation.  Personal circumstance can
often get lost in the flowery language of a song.  Sometimes people
just need to say, “a thousand times I’ve failed, still your mercy
remains,” or just simply “He loves us” or “I need you.”  Even though
styles might change, our response to God’s greatness and glory will
never change.  When we experience his majesty our response will always
be awe and adoration.

IML: What is something you get really passionate about?

Kristian: True creativity.  When dollar signs and popular trends are forgotten
and something fresh happens that leads people to connect with God in a
new way.  There’s a risk that’s taken and it feels unnatural, but it’s
true creativity.  I hope and pray as a worship songwriter and
Christian artist that I’m able to meet people where they are
stylistically and then take them somewhere new.

IML: If you had one prayer for the world, what would it be?

Kristian: That we would ALL lay our idols down and worship the only high and
holy God.

Be sure to check Kristian Stanfill’s website by visiting

Sam Ash will be Exclusive Gear Partner

We are excited to announce that Sam Ash will be the exclusive gear partner for Innovative Ministry Leader. They have a great selection of musical instruments, sound equipment, lights, accessories and so much more. Over the months we will be offering exciting incentives from Sam Ash as well.

Team IML

Innovative Ministry Lineup 2009, more coming soon

We have started to mention the lineup for Innovative Ministry Leader. Next week we will start pre-registration with a special incentive for early signups.

Here is some more of the lineup for 2009:

Mark Batterson/Pastor of National Community Church/Washington D.C.

Dave Ferguson/Pastor of Community Christian Church, IL

Ross Parsley/Worship Pastor of New Life Church/Colorado Springs, CO

Glenn Packiam/Worship Pastor of New Life Church/Desperation Band/Colorado Springs, CO

Skye Jethani/Author of the Divine Commodity/Editor of Leadership Magazine

Kevin Harney/Author of Leadership from the Inside Out

Greg Stielstra/Author of Pyromarketing and Faith Based Marketing/Marketing Director for Purpose Driven Life

Carl Cartee/Worship Leader/Artist

Sheri Gould/Vocal Trainer/Worship Leader

So Many more to come for 2009, this is just a start!

Team IML

Here is the rest of the lineup that we already announced:

Dino Rizzo/Pastor of Healing Place Church/Baton Rouge, LA

Anne Jackson/Author of Mad Church Disease

Troy Gramling/Pastor of Flamingo Road Church/Florida

Jeff Deyo/Worship Leader/Founder of Pure Worship Institute

Jonathan Lee/Worship Leader

Tommy Kyllonen aka Urban D/Pastor of Crossover Church/Tampa, FL

More Lineup….

Speaking in June will also be:


Tommy Kyllonen AKA Urban D/Pastor of Crossover Church/Florida


Jeff Deyo/Worship Leader, Founder of Pure Worship Institute

Jonathan Lee/Worship Leader/Artist


We will have training from top recognized companies such as:

Media Shout



Stay tuned tomorrow as we release more of the upcoming months lineup.

Team IML

Innovative Ministry Leader is Going Live!! Lineup Released

Innovative Ministry Leader will go Live June 9, 2009. Next week you will have the first chance for pre-registration and we will have an amazing incentive announcement  this week for signing up early.

This week we will begin to announce the initial lineup which will be for June and July. Keep in mind each month we will feature new speakers ongoing for the entire years to come!

Today we will give you SOME of the lineup that will be included in the Month of June:

Speaking in Leadership will be:

Dino Rizzo/Pastor of Healing Place Church

Anne Jackson/Author of Mad Church Disease

Troy Gramling/Pastor of Flamingo Road Church

Dino, Anne, and Troy, will bring incredible insight to you and your ministry so you will not want to miss out.

This is just a small sample of what is to come. Tomorrow we will let you know some more of the lineup.

Team IML